
This website is published and operated by Neptah SAS, with its registered office at 250Bis Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris and registered with the RCS of Paris.

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Phone : + 33 (0)1 84 80 99 83.
Mail : contact@neptah.com.

Publication Manager: Mr. Corentin PAYET.


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The website accessible via the URL www.neptah.com is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.

The domain name neptah.com, providing access to the website via the URL www.neptah.com, is the exclusive property of Neptah SAS.

This website was designed, created, and developed for Neptah SAS, which holds the exclusive usage rights.

The texts on the website, as well as the Neptah SAS logo, are original works and are the exclusive property of Neptah SAS.

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The user of the website www.neptah.com acknowledges having read these terms of use and agrees to comply with them.

The website and the data, information, and documents it provides are for general and non-exhaustive informational purposes only and cannot be considered as constituting advice, solicitation, or an offer of services.

Neptah SAS cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages that may result from accessing or using the website and/or its information, including inaccessibility, data loss, deterioration, destruction, or viruses that may affect the user’s computer equipment and/or the presence of viruses on the website. Although Neptah SAS strives to provide reliable content on its site, it does not guarantee that its content is free of inaccuracies or omissions and cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, or for the unavailability of information and services. Consequently, the user acknowledges using this information at their own exclusive responsibility.

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Applicable Law.

The website of Neptah SAS is subject to French law. In case of dispute, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction.